Frerichs Garden
A small group of volunteers maintains a growing number of green initiatives throughout the town.
Click on the map locations for more details of each one.
To join the group, or make a donation, contact:
Hilary Gunkel, 01877 330798
Lesley Hawkins, 01877 339080
The group had been looking after the Frerichs memorial garden in S. Church Street unofficially but in 2016 it was decided to formally adopt it from Stirling Council.
Local garden contractor Kirsty King was employed to dig out all the plants in the two main beds beside the river and add top-soil before replanting them.
Greener Callander has added more plants, in consultation with the family, and top-dressed with an organic straw mulch.
We contributed the materials for the railings to be repainted by a service-in-the-community project.
In 2018 the shelter was repaired and a mural added, painted by Chiara Fingland and members of the CYP youth clubs.
Local garden contractor Kirsty King was employed to dig out all the plants in the two main beds beside the river and add top-soil before replanting them.
Greener Callander has added more plants, in consultation with the family, and top-dressed with an organic straw mulch.
We contributed the materials for the railings to be repainted by a service-in-the-community project.
In 2018 the shelter was repaired and a mural added, painted by Chiara Fingland and members of the CYP youth clubs.